July 26, 2007

The real war between people and crows. Crowhunters paradise))

NTV - Russian TV channel. Original news posted HERE

In Primorski Krai the Office of Public Prosecutor has started to find out circumstances of the conflict between military pilots and authorities of one of the regional centers. Pilots demand to liquidate range of household waste which is located near to fighting air station. The in itself dump of threat for strategic object does not represent. But in this area there live hordes of birds, and year from their year becomes more and more. Today above air station there is a present war between people and ravens. The reporting of correspondent Dmitry Andrejanova specially for NTV. In a wood the main enemies of military pilots - birds have hidden. They have chosen range of household waste of all in several kilometers from fighting air station. Here bring dust from neighboring settlements, therefore the dump expands and involves new feathery. Officers bombing a shelf are compelled to practise every day in shooting on the flying purposes. Along air station tens cost frightened. And before each flight command spends the action of intimidation. On rise SU-24 leaves with the included headlights as it helps to frighten off birds. For few seconds the fighting machine appears above a place of a congestion feathery. Flight in this square passes at small heights, and collision with a bird in air threatens with refusal of the engine or broken glass of cabins. Andrey Mamonenko, the chief of a staff of a squadron: " the Most dangerous time, it when the bird's young growth becomes on a wing. Here then they start to fly constantly in air station. Happens, that because of feathery at landing it is necessary and to leave on the second circle ".
According to aviation norms to store waste it is possible not more close 15 kilometers from a runway. Command the shelf, referring to the federal standards, already the second year tries to force to transfer officials a dump. Last argument of pilots - safety of local residents, in fact line SU-24 passes above settlements. Vitaly Yevseyev, the assistant to the chapter of administration of city settlement " Working settlement Perejaslavka ": " For today we take out firm household waste on distance of 6-7 kilometers., certainly, it is not enough of it, but also it to us to make hardly ". Military and regional Offices of Public Prosecutor have become interested in Safety issues of flights. The modest budget has not allowed municipality to transfer a dump in it to year. The new range is planned to open only in the beginning of the following, and pilots with alarm wait for the termination of summer (in the autumn on a dump will take out waste of agricultural products).

July 20, 2007

July 16, 2007

Some info about Edgun in Canada

Long range crow shooting by Carwizard

(c) images are property of Carwizard

Some long range shots with EDgun, .22 caliber, JSB 5.52 pellets, 283 m/s pellet velocity by Carwizard, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Carwizard - nickname of PCP airguns expert and good crow hunter. Range in meters, Nikon Prostaff 440 rangefinder, range in yards from left to the right:
1) 148 meters = 162 yards.
2) 157 meters = 172 yards.
3) 171 meters = 187 yards

Accuracy of cause not improve, but one shot - one kill.

Russian forum

Kazakhstan forum

July 15, 2007

Some info about Edgun

This information has been provided through automatic translation service from Russian to English

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July 13, 2007

All bullpup models of EDgun, .22 caliber



And current models of EDgun

1. Standard edition:

Very first EDgun, .177 caliber, beta version


and more videos on www.youtube.com

July 07, 2007

Crow hunt

Прицелы Leapers +сошки Harris - качество , надежность, пожизненная гарантия= несомненный успех!

Поставляем на заказ оптические прицелы от Leapers ( 11 моделей), USA для эйрганнеров и охотников Казахстана! Все прицелы сделаны по уникальной технологии TS - true strength, что позволяет использовать их на самом мощном оружие без какого-либо ущерба для оптики.
Прицелы иаеют разные характеристики и прицельные сетки, все последние модели идут с подсвтеткой, трубка 30 мм, заполненная нитрогеном, осветленная оптика, бокоая отстрой параллакса, переменная кратность, широкий угол обзора - вот несколько достоинств данной оптики. Цены от 18 000 тенге, предополата в Алматинском офисе или webmoney депозит , поставка на заказ из Соединенных Штатов ( www.leapers.com) в течении 15 -18 рабочих дней.
Для эйрганнеров рекомендованы производителем

Leapers 3-9x40 AO Mil-Dot Scope with Red/Green ( 2-x цветная подсветка красный зеленый, 5 уровней яркости, переменная кратность 3 -9, объектив 40 мм, боковая отстройка параллакса от 10 ярдов, 30 мм трубка, защита линз rainguard и sunshade трубка, технология TS)

цена 26 000 тенге.

Самые популярные сошки Harris 1A2 BRM S-серии длина резных (notched) ножек 6 -9 дюймов, с креплением под антабку. Цена на заказ 18 000 тенге (для сравнения загляните в Корган и полюбуйтесь тамошней ценой в 47 600 тенге )))))

Прайс-каталог высылаем по запросу на электронную почту

Новинка из США

Уважаемые коллеги! Ждем-с первую партию пулек калибра .22 с тефлон-молибденовым покрытием. Новая технология разработана и запатетнтована в США. По договоренности с изобретателем, мы с Ai-Azamat-om будем завозить эти пульки для Ваших стрелковых нужд! Что дает такое покрытие при выстреле?
1000 штук H&N Crow Magnum и 1300 штук Crosman Premier
Во-первых, тефлон как самый скользкий материал в мире, придает пульке дополнительную скорость,
скорость увеличивается от 5% до 30% (зависит от винтовки).
Во-вторых, Молибден, как более твердый материал по сравнению с обычным свинцом способствут более глубокому прониканию в цель.
В-третьих, абсолютно не загрязняется канал ствола.

Пульки Кросман будут немного дороже чем Webley Lazapell, но !
1. их больше в упаковке (650 шт.)
2. сделаны по абсолютно новой технологии


Вот официальное заявление от производителя:

We purchase the highest quality pellets from Europe and America, and then employ a prorietary, multi-step method to create the cleanest, safest, super-slick dry-film pellets, guaranteed to improve velocity, power, and accuracy. Serious Airgunner? Get the best ammo right here, right now.

Regarding velocity and accuracy, the results depend on the pellet weight, caliber, and rifle power, but velocity improvement is typically 3 to 30 percent. Accuracy improves around 20% at up to 40 yards, and 10% from 40 to 50 yards, so as an example if you shot from a rest the pellets would on average change from a 1 inch spread to a .80 inch spread - each pellet will have slightly different improvement. I have heard back from one customer who got a 50% improvement in accuracy, and one who got 5 to 10%, so it depends on the rifle used and the pellet used. The pellets are also clean with almost no lead dust contamination and penetrate deeper than untreated pellets. (C) Andrew Murray


для перевода используем www.translate.ru

Также, в связи с отсутствием у украинских и российских поставщиков пулек Webley Lazapell и JSB exact heavy, решено завозить обычные бюджетные пульки для PCP и ППП винтовок от производителей из Канады. Это сделанные по лицензии H&N пульки
кроу магнум, барауда матч, силхоэт и т.п. марки H & N

Далее эта новость в переводе на английский язык, сделанным через автоматический онлайн переводчик.

Dear colleagues! We wait-with the first package of pellets for calibre .22 with teflon-moly film. The new technology is developed and patented in the USA. Under the arrangement with the inventor, we with Ai-Azamat-om shall deliver these pellets for your shooting needs! What gives such covering at a shot? 1000 pieces H*N Crow Magnum and 1300 pieces Crosman Premier First, Teflon as the most slippery material in the world, give for pellet additional speed, speed increases from 5 % up to 30 % (depends on a rifle). Secondly, molybdenum, as firmer material in comparison with usual lead help to deeper penetration in the target. Thirdly, does not become soiled at all barrel . Crosman pellets will be have slightly higher price than popular among us Webley Lazapell, but!
1. It is more than them in packing (650 pieces)
2. Are made on absolutely new technology.

Further this news in translation into the English language, made through automatic online the translator